Friday, February 15, 2008

Alpha Dog

I have been using my new HD-DVR like crazy lately and happened to watch Alpha Dog tonight. I had been told that it was an ok movie and wasn't anything to write home about.

Ya, I liked it a lot. I am a big Bruce Willis fan and have loved Ben Foster since he was in Six Feet Under. I am also a big fan of Anton Yelchin he has only been in a few main stream films, but is showing up a lot more often now.

If you haven't seen this yet I advise you take a peek. I think you will enjoy it just as I did.

Work Ethic

When I was hired for my job I knew that there would be times when I would have to put in more than 40 hours a week. I hold a salaried position so I would prefer to not work more than 40 hours. Today one of the guys quit stating that he was working too many hours. I thought to myself, too many hours? He puts in less than I do, has less responsibility and was paid more than me.

So it brings me to wonder where has the good old fashion work ethic gone to? I hear about people quitting their jobs all the time, with no new job lined up to go to. How do people do this? Now I don't live paycheck to paycheck and have some money saved up, but I never could quit my job without having a new one lined up.

I guess the part of this guy quitting that bugs me the most is I know that I am going to have to fill the void. Maybe I will get lucky and get a raise out of the deal, but more than likely I will just get stuck with the extra work load.

Well I feel better now that I have put my little rant out so I think I will go surf the net for some new pics to add to my collection.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

have a nice Valentine's Day

Here is my Valentine.... Well a guy can dream right?

Dan is back!!

One of the blogs I read frequently is I really enjoy following Dan in his travels and the man has some great fashion advice.

Dan, as am I, is not out of the closet to many people and recently some one he knows ran across his blog. From what I gather this person flipped and Dan had to take a step back and consider some things. During this time his blog was down and i was not sure that he would be back.

He is now back up and running, but now I am wondering what would I do if put into the same situation. I guess it would depend on who the person was. I think my family would be accepting, but I don't know for sure. At this junction in time I am going to keep on posting and see what happens.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Is this thing still up?

It has been so long since my last post I almost forgot that I had a blog!

For anyone who cares , it has been crazy time since my last post. The holidays were total crap, and my job is going to be the death of me.

One good a note though, my cousin and his wife finally had their twins. Those girls are so cute right now! Makes me long for a partner and some kids. Oh wait, I don't want kids, I have the crazy dog to deal with.

I start my bowling league tonight. I still haven't figured out how I got roped into that one. Should be fun though. I haven't bowled in some time and had to dust the old ball and shoes off. Oh well I guess if I make a fool of myself it will give me something to talk about at work.

I will try to post here more often since my laptop is fixed and I am mobile again.
